Monday, May 16, 2011

Lincoln Inn and Ole Baily

We went on the Legal Studies walk this AM and our guide did a fine job in describing the workings of the Inns of the Court. The system of solicitors, barristers, and Queen's Councilors (senior barristers) seems a bit complicated but I understand better now after the tour. We actually saw many wonderful old buildings, one which was actually built in 1490 and it is still used daily.

The afternoon was spent at Ole Baily which is also known as Newgate prison. The building is actually a courthouse and prison with extensive history and most of the people tried there now are charged with murder. Our tour guide was a Sergeant with the City of London police department and he was great. He shared a great deal of history about London and the development of the courts. We toured from the depths of the old dungeons all the way to the roof top of Ole Baily; by far, it was the best tour I have been on sense in London. The courthouse was especially beautiful on the main floors and sitting in the courtroom was a little eerie as I considered how many people in the past had been tried in those chambers and then taken out to be hung until dead.

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